Here is a visual presentation on how transformational coaching can help you navigate the complexities of your life. Click on a number to reveal the description of that stage of the process. Contact me for more information.
1. Coaching Process
The coaching process is a support towards you discovering your own solutions. As coach I do not have a magic wand but only facilitate this process. As the wind turbine waits on the wind so I trust in the leading of Holy Spirit throughout this process.

1. Coaching Process
The coaching process helps you discover your solutions. As coach,I do not have a magic wand but only facilitate this process. Just like the wind turbine waits on the wind, so I trust in the leading of Holy Spirit throughout this process.
2. Barriers
You will need to overcome barriers to reach your goals. It might be real physical challenges or your internal belief systems and habits. Coaching can assist in breaking through these barriers.
3. Big Picture
You make choices at different points in your life journey. Coaching allows you to take a big-picture view of your life and evaluate your priorities.
4. Inspiration
These dots and circles represent the many interactions you will have along your journey that will influence and provide input towards achieving your goal. Some will be coaching sessions, but others might be conversations with friends or colleagues. It could also be something you read or heard.
5. Balance
Our lives are complicated, requiring us to balance many priorities, like family, work, recreation, health, etc. The complexity can become overwhelming. Coaching allows you to inspect these different strands of your life and re-establish your priorities.
6. Authentic Living
We make our decisions in the soul area through the interaction of our will (decision-making power), mind and emotions. You will discover new options by evaluating your thoughts and feelings against the anchor of your values. The insight gained into your unique purpose will lead you to make other choices. Authentic living will flow as you let go of old habits and adopt new behaviours.
7. Breaking Through
The decisions you make during coaching is likely to lead to a letting go of some old habits and taking on new habits aligned to your goals. The increased focus and attention on the essential strands of your life enable you to break through those things you experience as barriers to your goals.
8. Discovery
As you discover more of yourself and your values, it becomes an anchor for your decisions. This awareness enables you to make decisions that will move you towards your goals in a way that frees you to be your true self in everyday life.
1. Coaching Process
The coaching process supports you towards discovering your solutions. As a coach, I only facilitate this process. As the wind turbine waits on the wind, I trust in the leading of Holy Spirit throughout this process.
3. Big Picture
You make choices at different points on your life journey. Coaching affords you an opportunity to take a big picture view of your own life and evaluate your priorities.
2. Barriers
There often are barriers that you need to overcome in order to reach your goals. It might be real physical challenges or your own internal belief systems and habits. Coaching can assist in breaking through.
4. Inspiration
Interactions along your journey (the dots and circles) can provide input towards you achieving your goal. These could be coaching sessions, but also other conversations or something you read or heard.
5. Balance
Family. Work. Recreation. Health. Each of these entails different priorities. The complexity can become overwhelming. Coaching allows you to inspect and re-align these strands of your life.
7. Breaking Through
The decisions you take as part of coaching is likely to lead to a letting go of some old habits and taking on new habits aligned with your goals. This gives greater focus and direction to those strands of life that are important to you. It enables you to break through those things you experience as barriers to your goals.
6. Authentic Living
Living fully alive happens when there is congruency. That is when your decisions and behaviour are aligned to your values. Achieving authenticity is beautiful.
8. Discovery
Discovering more of yourself and your values can become like an anchor for your decisions. Taking decisions that move you towards your goals frees you to live fully alive. It enables you to be authentic.